Thursday, November 15, 2012

Thirty Pieces of Silver... Anyone?

Retired (CL.401#2) Bishop Geoffrey Robinson Offers Soul to Highest Bidder

It never ceases to amaze me how some priests and Bishops are so eager to make friends with a world at the expense of the Church. Bishop Robinson is here attacking the fundamental integrity of the Sacrament, and as a bishop is enabling the enemies of the Church to drive a wedge into the Body of Christ, thus destroying the fundamental trust that those sins confessed to a priest, who acts in the Persona Christi, and who has no right to the knowledge he receives in the confessional, are between the penitent and God who forgives the sins confessed.

If a penitent confesses a crime such as murder or paedophilia  the priest has an obligation to counsel the penitent, whether priest or lay, to confess their crime to the proper secular authorities. The confessor must remind the penitent that confessing a sin is not good enough and that one must have true contrition for their sin, a firm purpose of amendment, and they must complete a material penance due to atone for their sin. The priest has no authority to act on any information he hears under the seal of confession because he has no personal right to know the sins of others. The seal of the confessional is meant to protect the rights of the individual, so that clergy CAN NOT do that which enemies of the Church have long since accused them of doing, i.e. using their knowledge to exercise power over the faithful. The seal of the confessional is a protection for ALL Catholics so that they can go humbly before their God to seek forgiveness that will restore a relationship with HIM that was broken by their own evil act in thought word or deed. If they are truly sorry for their sin and that sin is a serious crime which has caused physical or material harm to others, they will follow the advice of their priest and go, with him if necessary outside the seal of the confessional, to the proper authorities so that they can atone for their crime just as they have acted to atone for their sin before God.

Any priest who is prepared to break the seal of the confessional, is attacking the relationship between the penitent and their God. They are acting no longer as a conduit of God's grace and forgiveness, in persona Christi, but as agents for the state and they tear at the Body of Christ (1 Cor 12:27), and thereby put themselves outside the Church. Bishop Robinson has publicly indicated that he is willing to destroy that trust essential for the Sacrament, and it will not take much, perhaps only thirty pieces of silver, for the enemies of the Church to take advantage of him to destroy that which they hate.

Pray for Bishop Robinson who sounds less like an apostle of Jesus Christ and more like a teen, more interested in what the world thinks of him than what it thinks of the Lord he claims to serve.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Gay marriage is not the cure

Dr. David van Gend

Here is a link to an excellent article by my old GP. David defends the claim made by Jim Wallace that Homosexual men have a 20+ year shorter lifespan than heterosexual men, and cites recent research and evidence and findings which has been published in peer reviewed literature over only the last few years. Wallace DID NOT bend the facts with 30 year old data as LGBT activists claimed.

David also then looks at the argument that is being put forward by homosexual activists that the high rate of suicide and depression among Homosexuals is the fault of a "homophobic" society. He looks at the clinical evidence provided by researchers and argues that we need to take seriously the findings of serious researchers who state "the relationship between the legalisation of marriage and GLBTIQ (gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender, intersex and queer) youth health and wellbeing is more complex and it is important not to assume that legislative amendment leads directly by itself to a reduction in youth suicidality."

This article is well worth the read..
Gay marriage is not the cure – David van Gend | Australian Christian Lobby

Then DO SOMETHING about it.

Saturday, July 14, 2012

I think Pell Demolishes Dawkins

and I think Dawkins knew it about 10 seconds after Pell opened his mouth to answer the first question.
Boo Yah the superstitious intellectual Giant!

Dawkins never recovers from Pell's happy jibe, "I think that it is a bit funny that we have to define the word 'NOTHING'"

Are these the signs of a spiritual reawakening?

With Bishops like these...

You complete the post..

Personally I like the cut of his jib.